Equine Establishments

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guide to cover

CoverMarque has direct experience working with equine establishments and are able to provide specific insurance cover tailored to your individual or business needs.

We can arrange cover for a range of equine establishments from private and commercial studs, racehorse training yards, competition and livery yards and riding schools. Cover can include custody, care and control, vet fees, events and shows and also personal liability.

Every equine establishment is different, with different activities, horses and purposes.

Alongside these specialist covers we can supplement other lines including buildings and contents insurance, property owners’ liability and cover for any of your riding equipment and ATV’s.

Please call us on 01962 774421 if you would like to discuss your Equine Establishment Insurance with one of our expert advisors. Alternatively, if your renewal date isn’t within 60 days, please complete our Renewal Date form by clicking the button below and we will get in touch with you closer to the time.

Renewal Date

Available Cover

  • Public Liability

    This can protect you against your liability in respect of damage to other peoples' property or injury to other people.

  • Employers Liability

    This can protect you against your liability to your employees.

  • Custody, Care and Control

    This can protect you in respect of injury or death of other peoples' horses on your premises or in your care.

  • Equipment Cover

    This can protect all of your riding equipment, tack and any ATV's against damage and other perils.

  • Horseboxes and Tractors

    Providing cover for your attachments, the goods inside and more importantly your horses while in transit.


Is Public Liability a Legal Requirement?

Public Liability Insurance is a legal requirement for any person that runs a riding establishment which can be defined as an establishment keeping horses to let them for hire or riding.

Liability Insurance should be considered essential if you come into contact with members of the public to protect your customers and their property and in turn, your establishment.

Do I need Employers Liability Insurance?

Employers have a legal obligation to carry Employers Liability Insurance which indemnifies the employer in respect of injury to its employees for which it is legally responsible. It is generally accepted by members of the Association of British Insurers that the minimum indemnity limit should be £10m. An employee is deemed to be any individual who undertakes any work for the insured whether paid or not.

The legal penalties of failing to effect adequate Employers Liability insurance are severe, but perhaps even more significant are the implications of the potential cost of a successful claim against an uninsured company. In an increasingly litigious society, personal injury claims are becoming frequent and of greater magnitude.

What is "Custody, Care and Control" cover?

A Custody, Care and Control Policy is a liability policy to cover you in respect of injury or death of other peoples’ horses on your premises or in your care.  It is required because as standard Public Liability insurance excludes damage to items in your control.


Always on hand to provide you with information, advice and guidance.

01962 774421 [email protected]

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